
INOlox® anilox rollers

A high-performance product for first-class results in flexographic printing

Our INOlox® anilox rollers are optimised to satisfy the high requirements of flexographic printing and feature an excellent performance profile to optimise your printing process and product quality over the long term.

INOflex INOlox Rasterwalzen für den Flexodruck

INOshaft® CFRP shafts

High precision and damping at high speeds in flexographic printing

Our INOshaft® CFRP shafts aid the simple assembly of printing plate mounting sleeves, pneumatic CFRP bridge adapter or anilox sleeves. Our CFRP shafts demonstrate excellent printing results, particularly at high printing speeds, and help your production process to utilise its machine performance capacity.

[Translate to English:] INOflex CFK-Druckzylinder

INOlox® anilox sleeves

INOlox® anilox sleeves – Ideal for short printing jobs in flexographic printing

Our anilox sleeves provide an enormous advantage, particularly when it comes to short printing jobs and frequent retooling. Our anilox sleeves can be installed in no time and deliver optimum print results even at very high printing machine speeds.

INOlox anilox sleeves

INObridge® CP pneumatic CFRP bridge adapter

High levels of economy and efficiency with quick print job changes.

Our INObridge® CP pneumatic CFRP bridge adapter is developed for flexographic printing and offers the most economic solution available today for the best print results. This pneumatic CFRP bridge adapter has a high potential to optimise your processes over the long term, particularly when they involve quick print job changes and high production speeds.

Pneumatic CFRP bridge adapter

INObridge® CH hydraulic CFRP bridge adapters

Perfect performance under high printing requirements

INObridge® CH hydraulic CFRP bridge adapters provide first-class properties to optimise and improve your printing process and print quality over the long term. Precisely defined diameters ensure simple handling and optimal sleeve functionality – which is ideal with an increasing number of print job changes.

[Translate to English:] INOflex hydraulische CFK-Adapter

Web guide rollers

High precision for sensitive processes in flexographic printing

High production speeds require an optimally tuned system and precise web guidance. INOMETA roller products deliver perfect performance, both in the printing unit and in the web guidance process – optimally tuned to the high requirements in flexographic printing.

[Translate to English:] INOMETA – Bahnführungswalzen

Dryer felt rollers

Precisions rollers with extremely smooth running

Our dryer felt rollers are smooth running rollers, specially designed to meet the requirements of the drying process. Their sophisticated design with extremely smooth running guarantees high technical reliability and productivity.

[Translate to English:] INOMETA - Trocknerleitwalzen für den Flexodruck

Web guide rollers upstream of the winding process

Functional surfaces for ideal results in the winding process

Precise web guidance is particularly important in high-performance flexographic printing machines. By using functional PROTEK® coatings, air can be effectively removed and the substrate web can be fed precisely to the winding process without any slippage. The result is a high winding quality that can be permanently guaranteed.

[Translate to English:] INOMETA - Bahnführungswalzen im Wickelprozess

WinCore® aluminium winding core

Aluminium winding cores provide tight tolerances and a high degree of concentricity

Create an eco-conscious and efficient production process It is worth it – for our environment and for your company.

Download products data sheet here

[Translate to English:] Aluminium Wickelhülsen

WinCore® RFID winding cores

for automated and integrated logistic processes

We are offering the first reusable winding cores made of metal with an integrated RFID tag in the world. This provides effective support for automated and integrated logistics processes. The advantages of the WinCore® system are a high degree of rigidity and low wear.

[Translate to English:] INOMETA WinCore RFID Wickelhülsen